How to Create a Signature in Preview on a Mac

Create a Signature in Mac Preview

Looking to add a signature to a PDF or a personal touch to a certificate perhaps? Find out here how to create a signature for inserting into images and PDF documents with Preview on a Mac.

First, a Port and a Pot

The finest coffees, for most of the world, come from afar, from foreign lands, and often by sea.

One port in particular quickly stood out as the origin of vessels filled with exceptional beans: Mokha. The Yemenite port became synonymous with signature high-quality roasts, of course, and pots named after the city let you extract the best from them.

Now, reinvigorated by caffeine, want to, well, express your signature in Preview?

How to Create a Signature in Preview on a Mac

Using Paper and Pen

Time needed: 5 minutes

To set up a handwritten signature you can easily insert in documents and PDF forms using Preview on a Mac:

  1. Put your signature on a white sheet of paper.

    Not mandatory: This step is not crucial; you can also set up a signature with a touch surface such as a trackpad or iPad (see below).
    Yet recommended: A handwritten signature on paper produces the most natural signature in Preview, however, so I do recommend this method of creating a PDF signature in Preview.
    Go for contrast: Use white paper and a contrasting pen, such as classic dark blue, black, purple or dark green perhaps.

  2. Open Preview.

    No file needed: You can open any image or PDF document, of course, but you can also just open Preview alone.

  3. Select Tools | Annotate | Signature | Manage Signatures… from the menu.

    Toolbar alternative: With a file open in Preview, you can also select Sign in the markup toolbar, then pick Create Signature.
    Creating a signature in Preview

  4. Go to the Camera tab.

    With existing signatures: If you already have a signature set up in Preview, click Create Signature in the Manage Signatures window before.

  5. Hold the signature in front of the Mac’s camera so that it rests on the line.

    It appears: The signature will appear in black as Preview recognizes it.

  6. Optional: Pick a description that helps you distinguish the signature under Description:.

  7. Click Done.

    Setting up a signature from a handwritten signature in Preview on a Mac

Now insert it (in any color): How to Add a Signature to a PDF File on a Mac

Using a Trackpad, iPad or iPhone to Add a Signature to Mac Preview

In lieu of scanning a signature, you can also creating one with finger or pencil on a touch surface:

  1. Start creating a new signature in Preview as above.
  2. Go to the Trackpad or iPhone or iPad.
    Trackpad: Click Click here to begin and sign on the trackpad.
    iPhone or iPad: Click Select Device, pick the device and sign on it with finger or Apple Pencil, for instance.
    Landscape: Do turn your divice to landscape mode before starting the signature.
    Adding a signature from an iPhone to Preview on macOS

How to Create a Signature in Preview on a Mac: FAQ

Can I set up more than one signature?


You can create and use multiple signatures.

Can I remove a signature?


To delete a signature from Preview on a Mac:

  1. Select Tools | Annotate | Manage Signatures in Preview.
  2. Click the x that appears as you hover over the signature you want to delete.
    Important: There is no confirmation, the signature will be removed immediately.

(How to create a signature in Preview on a Mac tested with macOS Sequoia 15.1, Sonoma 14.1–14.3, Ventura 13.3 and Monterey 12; first published June 2023, last updated November 2024)

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