How to Open Mac Finder with a Shortcut

How to Open Mac Finder with a Shortcut

Wish you could find Finder faster? Want to switch to macOS Finder without taking the hands off the keyboard? Find out here how to open Finder on a Mac with a custom keyboard shortcut or, of course, nimbly with the mouse.

First, Runny Cheese Jumping

The marvelous, not entirely safe, and Sardinian casu marzu cheese achieves its exceptionally soft and milky texture through larvae helping the usual cheese bacteria out with digestion.

The cheese fly larvae remain in the cheese as little translucent worms. When you startle them, it is said, they can launch themselves up to 15 cm (almost six inches) into the air.

Speaking of which, how about launching Finder on a Mac without cheese—or mouse?

How to Open Finder on a Mac: Using a Custom Keyboard Shortcut

Set Up a True Mac Finder Keyboard Shortcut

In Shortcuts

Time needed: 4 minutes

To set up a keyboard shortcut to open Finder on a Mac using macOS:

  1. Open Shortcuts.

    Here’s how: You can find Shortcuts using Spotlight, for instance, or open it from Launchpad.

  2. Create a new shortcut.

    Here’s how: Press Command N or select File | New Shortcut from the menu.

  3. Add the Run AppleScript action to the new shortcut.

    Finding Run AppleScript: You can find the action in the Scripting category.

  4. Enter a name for your action over Run AppleScript on top.

    Example: You can use something like Switch to Finder, for instance.

  5. Replace (* Your script goes here *) with tell application "Finder" to activate.

    Set up a Shortcut for opening Finder

  6. Go to the Shortcut Details tab in the right sidebar.

  7. Click Add Keyboard Shortcut.

  8. Press the keys you want to press for opening Finder.

  9. Example: You can use Command Option Shift F.
  10. Close the action and, if you like, test the keyboard shortcut.

    Create a custom keyboard shorcut for opening Finder with Shortcuts

More shortcuts
Open folders (including hidden folders) in Finder using the keyboard
Open Finder from a Terminal window

In Automator

To create your own keyboard shortcut for opening Finder on a Mac using Automator:

  1. Open Automator.
    Using Spotlight: For example, press CommandSpace for Spotlight, start searching for automator and press Enter with Automator highlighted.
  2. On the new document screen in Automator, highlight Quick Action.
    No Quick Action: If Quick Action is not available, pick Service.
    No new document screen: Press Command N.
  3. Click Choose.
  4. Select no input for Workflow receives current and any application.
    The default: By default, Automatic (text) is selected for the input.
  5. Select Actions on the left.
  6. Search for Launch Application in the Actions Library.
  7. Drag and drop Launch Application to the workflow on the right.
    Drag and drop "Launch Application" to the Finder shortcut workflow on the right
  8. Click Contacts (or whatever application is the default choice).
  9. Select New variable… from the list.
  10. Leave Path: as the variable’s name.
  11. Click Desktop under Path:.
  12. Choose Other….
  13. Search for Finder.
    Finder location: The Finder app is in /System/Library/CoreServices.
  14. Highlight Finder and click Choose.
  15. Now click Done for the variable.
    Test: To test the opening Finder action, click Run.
    Let the "Path" variable point to Finder
  16. Select File | Save… from the menu.
  17. Type Open Finder under Save quick action as:
  18. Click Save.
  19. Open System Settings (or Preferences)
  20. Go to the Keyboard category.
  21. Click Keyboard Shortcuts.
    Monterey: In macOS Monterey and earlier, go to the Shortcuts tab.
  22. Highlight Services on the left.
  23. Now click the Open Finder item under General.
  24. Click Add Shortcut.
    Click "Add Shortcut" to finish setting up your "Open Finder" keyboard shortcut
  25. Type whichever keyboard combination you want to use for your Finder shortcut.
    Example: Use Command Option Shift F, for instance.
  26. Press Command Option Shift F (or your pick for the Finder keyboard shortcut) to open the default folder in Finder.
    Finder already open: If Finder already has a window open, it will be brought to the front.
    New window: To get a new Finder window once Finder is in the front, press Command N.

How to Open Finder on a Mac: Using a Standard Keyboard Shortcut

You can also get to Finder using one of two standard shortcuts built into macOS:

  • Finder is always in the list of open applications:
    Press Tab while holding down the Command key until Finder is in focus, then let go.
    Open Finder on a Mac with the app switching shortcut
  • You can open Finder search using a keyboard shortcut:
    Press Command Option Space to open a new search in Finder.

How to Open Finder on a Mac: Using the Mouse

To switch to or open Finder on your Mac with the mouse:

  • Click Finder in the Dock.
    No Dock: If you don’t see the Dock initially, move the mouse cursor to the very bottom of the screen and, in full screen mode, hold it there for a few seconds.
    Not at the bottom: The Dock is not necessarily on the bottom; if you cannot find it there, try the left and right edges of the screen.
    Alternative: You can also open the Downloads folder, for instance, from the Dock.
    Open Finder using the Dock on a Mac

How to Use a Shortcut Key to Open Finder on a Mac: FAQ

Can I use the same steps to set up a keyboard shortcut for launching any application?


Launching applications other than the Finder is easier even, though:

(How to open Finder with a keyboard shortcut on a Mac tested with macOS Sequoia 15.1, Sonoma 14.3, Ventura13.1, Monterey 12.3, and Big Sur 11.0; first published February 2021, last updated October 2024)

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