How to Add an Email Signature in Outlook for Mac

How to Add an Email Signature in MS Outlook for Mac

Want different signatures for work and personal email? No standard signature for replies? Find out here how to add or change an email signature in Outlook for Mac (and pick defaults per account).

First, One Sixth of a Pound of Spermaceti Burning

A candle made from ⅙ pound of sperm whale wax (apparently the highest standard in 19th century candle making) burning at a specific rate was defined by the United Kingdom’s parliament in 1860 as a unit of measure distinguished by its ever-resonantly potent name: the candlepower.

A candlepower is equivalent to a candela (which, today, is defined quite differently), the currently most-used unit for visible light intensity.

So, while I try to find a way to work “candlepower” into my signature, let’s find out how to edit that signature in Outlook for Mac:

How to Add an Email Signature in Outlook for Mac

Time needed: 5 minutes

To add a new email signature to Outlook for Mac and legacy Outlook for Mac:

  1. Select Outlook | Settings… or Outlook | Preferences from the menu.

  2. Open the Signatures category (under Email).

    New Outlook: The steps are the same for Outlook for Mac and “Legacy” Outlook for Mac.

  3. Click + under the list of current signatures to add a new signature to Outlook for Mac.

  4. Highlight Untitled under Signature Name: in the editor window that has opened.

  5. Type a name for your new email signature that helps you recognize it.

  6. Now click in the editing area below and start building your email signature around your name.

    Keeping the name: You need not keep your name (as already entered by Outlook for Mac) as part of your email signature, of course.

  7. Edit the signature as needed for the purpose.

    Size and contents: Do keep the text within the practical email signature size limits and add the vital information to it.
    Signature delimiter: Outlook for Mac will not add any delimiter before your signature; it is best to add the standard signature separator to the signature directly. (Press Command Z if Outlook for Mac turns the delimiter into a bullet point.)
    Formatting: You can use the toolbar to both add formatting to the text and add links as well as images and logos to your Outlook for Mac signature.

  8. Close the editing window and click Save to save your new email signature.

    Outlook for Mac keyboard shortcut: You can also press Command S followed by Command W.
    Default signatures: See below for setting default signatures per email account.
    Editing an email signature in Outlook for Mac

On Windows? How to Add a Signature in Outlook for Windows

Change and Edit an Existing Outlook for Mac Email Signature

To make changes to an email signature you have previously added to Outlook for Mac:

  1. Go to the Signature preferences in Outlook; see above.
  2. Now highlight the signature you want to change under Signature name.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Make the desired changes.
  5. Close the editor window saving your edits.
    Editing a signature’s name: You can change the name for a signature in the editing window, of course, but you can also double-click it under Signature name to edit.

How to Add an Email Signature in Outlook for Mac: FAQ

Can I have a different default signature for each email account?


To change the signature used by default for an email account:

  1. Open the Signatures preferences as above.
  2. Select the email account for which you want to use a different default signature under Account: in the Choose default signature: section.
  3. Now pick from the available signatures under New messages: and Replies/forwards.
    Why separate signatures: You can include more contact information in the signature used for new emails, for example, assuming people to which you reply already know that information.

Can I switch to a different signature for an email?


To pick a different signature for any email or reply you are writing in Outlook for Mac:

  1. Click Signature in the message’s toolbar.
    Menu alternative: You can also select Draft | Signatures from the menu.
    New and legacy: The command is the same in Outlook for Mac and “legacy” Outlook.
  2. Select the desired signature.
    No two signatures: The new signature will replace the old one.

Can I edit the signature in the email?


You can always make any changes to the signature as it appears in an email you are writing. (When you pick a different signature, it will replace the edited signature entirely.)

(How to add or change an email signature tested with Outlook for Mac 16.67–16,89; first published June 2021, last updated October 2024)

Home » Email Tips and Resources » How to Add an Email Signature in Outlook for Mac