How to Scroll Fast with a Scroll Bar on iPhone

Use the Scrollbar on an iPhone

Tired of swiping and swiping and swiping again to scroll? Find out here how to bring up and use a real scroll bar on your iPhone to navigate to any part of a web page or document with fast speed and extra precision.

First, Less Than Ionic

The Ionic order has the simplest columns, of course, only if one ignores one order more.

Columns in the Tuscan order are just what you’d expect: a frieze without ornament (like the Ionic order’s), and columns without even hints of flutes.

With that finally in order, let’s get us some Tuscan columns on our iPhones:

How to Scroll Fast with the Scroll Bar on an iPhone

Time needed: 1 minute

To get hold of and use the scrollbar on an iPhone to navigate the screen super fast:

  1. Swipe up or down so you see the minuscule scrollbar on the iPhone (or iPad) screen’s border.

  2. Tap and hold that small bar until it expands.

  3. With the finger still on the screen, move it up and down to scroll directly to any part of the document.

    Even faster: You can also swipe to flick the scroll bar and go to the top or bottom (or a long way there) fast.
    Scrolling fast with the iPhone scroll bar in Safari

How to Scroll Fast with the Scroll Bar on an iPhone: FAQ

Can I use a stylus or other pointing device to grab the scrollbar?


Any pointing device that can replace your finger on a capacitive touch screen works with the iOS and iPadOS scrollbar.

Can I scroll one screenful at a time with the scrollbar?


The iPhone scrollbar always takes you to the position in the document, web page, list etc. relative to the position on the screen:

  • vertical scrollbar at the top of the screen: top of the document,
  • vertical scrollbar at the center: center of the document, and
  • vertical scrollbar at the bottom of the screen: end of the document.

The horizontal scrollbar works accordingly, of course.

(How to use the scroll bar tested with iOS 15–18; first published May 2022, last updated December 2024)

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