How to Open an EML File in Gmail

Open an EML File in Gmail

Got EML email files, and now you are wondering how to get them into Gmail? Find out here how to open an EML file in Gmail (and how to import it with an email program, too).

First, New Mexico Gardeners Drink More Coffee

New Mexico’s soils are alkaline, up to a pH of 8.4 in its dry climate. Gardeners who like roses do not like this kind of soil, because roses appreciate slightly acidic grounds to grow in.

So, what’s a rose gardener in New Mexico (or Montana and parts of New South Wales, for instance) to do?

Drink lots of coffee, of course, and dump the grounds—onto the ground in the hopes for it to become a little less alkaline. While this might remain a hope scarcely realized, coffee grounds have other benefits.

Now that the soil is all fresh and awake, are you ready to dump EML files onto Gmail?

How to Open an EML File in Gmail

Time needed: 2 minutes

To open an EML email file in Gmail on the desktop in a browser:

  1. Open Gmail.

  2. Start a new message.

  3. Type the subject from the EML file under Subject.

    Optional: The subject will make the email with the EML file more distinguishable, but it is optional; you can leave the subject empty.
    Mendable: You can also pick a different subject, of course.

  4. Attach the EML file to the email draft.

    Here’s how: Drag and drop or select Attach files, then find and upload the EML file.
    Import directly: Using an email client, you can also import EML files into Gmail instead of as attachments; see below.
    Add and open an EML file in Gmail by attaching it to a message to yourself

  5. Optional: Send yourself the message with the attached EML file.

    Here’s how: Type your Gmail address in the To line, and click Send, of course.
    Optional, but beneficial: You can leave the EML file as a draft in Gmail, but it will always carry the Draft label and will always show up under Drafts. To keep EML files permanently, it is better to send them to yourself.

  6. If you sent yourself the copy, archive the message from your Gmail inbox.

  7. To view the attached EML file in Gmail, open the email and click it.

Out of Gmail: How to Save a Gmail Email to an EML File

How to Open an EML File in Gmail: FAQ

Can I search for text inside the EML files?


Gmail will let you find text inside the EML files you have attached and archived.

Can I download the EML files again?


Download the attached EML files like other attachments.

Can I import EML files into Gmail without attaching them?

No, not using the Gmail web interface.

Yes, you can add EML files to Gmail using an email program. To do so:

  1. Set up Gmail using IMAP in an email program such as Thunderbird, for instance.
  2. Import EML files into the [Gmail]/All Mail folder.
    Thunderbird: In Thunderbird, you can do that by dragging and dropping EML files onto that folder.

Can I use Simple HTML Gmail to open EML files?

Yes, with limitations.

While you can attach and find EML files just fine in Simple HTML Gmail, the basic HTML version

(How to open an EML file in Gmail tested in a desktop browser; first published June 2023, last updated July 2024)

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