How to Insert the “Squared” Symbol ( ² ) on an iPhone

Insert Squared ( ² ) on an iPhone

Want to write about squared meters or the Pythagorean theorem without typing “squared”? Find out here how to insert the symbol for “squared” ( ² ) on an iPhone.

First, Kimi and the Keyboard Factory

Surely, you have heard of Kimi’s plight… You know, Kimi—Kimi, who used to work at the keyboard factory. She was let go…

What happened?

They told her she did not put in enough Shifts.

Now, before we lose all Ctrl, let’s put, in a manner, some exponents in on the iPhone keyboard:

How to Insert the Symbol for “Squared” ( ² ) on an iPhone

Time needed: 1 minute

To type the symbol for squared ( ² ) using the keyboard on an iPhone:

  1. Set up a text replacement for the squared symbol In iPhone settings. (See below.)

    On the keyboard: The symbol is not on the standard iPhone keyboard, and a text replacement is the only way to use the keyboard to type “squared”.
    Other exponents: You can also create text replacements for all the other raised numbers to indicate exponents.

  2. Position the text cursor where you want to insert the squared symbol ².

    Here’s where: To indicate a number raised to the second power, put the squared symbol immediately after the number; if you use ‘²’ as a footnote marker, place it immediately after the that that has a footnote, and let the footnote’s text follow ‘²’ immediately as well at the end of the page, section or text.

  3. Type the shortcut you have created for the text replacement.

    Example: If you use “^2” for squared, type ^2.

  4. Press Space or select ² from the auto-completion suggestions.

    Insert “squared” (a superscripted 2) using text replacement using the iPhone keyboard

Add a Text Replacement for Squared to the iPhone Keyboard

To set up a text replacement for inserting the character ² using the iPhone keyboard:

  1. Copy the squared symbol from the table below.
    Other exponents: You can set up additional replacements for other raised numbers, of course.
  2. Open the Settings app.
  3. Select General.
  4. Now choose Keyboard.
  5. Open Text Replacement.
  6. Tap +︎.
  7. Paste the squared symbol you copied before under Phrase.
    Here’s how: Tap in the field and select Paste from the context menu that has appeared.
  8. Type the character combination you want to use for entering squared under Shortcut.
  9. Tap Save.
    Set up a text replacement for the squaring symbol in iOS Settings

The text replacements will synchronize with other iOS and iPadOS devices as well as Macs using macOS via iCloud.

Speaking of macOS: How to Type “Squared” ( ² ) on a Mac

Raised Numbers for Copying and Pasting

raised two ²
raised three ³
raised one ¹
raised four
raised five
raised six
raised seven
raised eight
raised nine
raised zero

How to Insert the Symbol for “Squared” ( ² ) on an iPhone: FAQ

Can I set up text replacements for compounds (such as m²)?


You can, of course, add text replacements for oft-used character combinations such as m² or x² in addition to an entry just for the squared symbol.
Example: Set up an replacement that replaces m2 with .

(How to insert the symbol for “squared” ( ² ) on an iPhone tested with iOS 17–18; first published January 2024, last updated November 2024)

Home » iPhone and iPad Tips and Resources » How to Insert the “Squared” Symbol ( ² ) on an iPhone