Looking to select all emails or set up filters in Gmail from your phone? Find out here how to log in to and open the site for the full Gmail desktop version on your mobile device (Android, iPhone, Kindle Fire,…).
First, the House the Railway Narrowed
A stone’s throw from South Kensington station, the very railway you just exited is responsible for an impossibly narrow strip of land—and on top of it, a building that measures far less than a stone’s throw.
“The Thin House” is small, almost portable; its apartments still are expensive, though (this is Kensington), and equipped with all the amenities you’d expect in fully sized buildings.
Is your phone or tablet small, portable almost? Are you still looking for all the amenities fully featured Gmail offers? Here you go:
How to Open the Full Gmail Desktop Version Site on a Mobile Device
Note: Gmail currently only lets you get to full desktop view in a browser that masquerades as being on a desktop device.
To view the full Gmail interface as a workaround to the options below:
- Set up a mobile browser to send the browser ID of a desktop browser.
Example: In iCab mobile on iOS, select ⚙ | Web Sites | Browser ID and set up a new URL-based browser ID of Chrome 74 (Mac) forhttp*://mail.google.com/*
Desktop mode: A browser’s method of requesting the desktop version of a website will typically also set the browser ID to something suitable; it’s worth a try and works in Safari, for example. - Expand the (virtual) screen size or disable zooming restrictions.
Example: In iCab mobile, select 🧩 | Increase maximum zoom… or choose a Virtual Screen Size in the same menu. - Open https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/h//?f=1.
iPhone and iPad
Time needed: 2 minutes
[Currently not possible] To log in to and access the full desktop version of Gmail from a mobile browser:
- Open https://mail.google.com/ in your mobile device’s browser.
Not the app: If Gmail suggests using the Gmail app instead, tap I am not interested (iOS) or Use the web version (Android).
Direct link: If the link above asks you about simple HTML Gmail, you can open https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0 instead. - Tap the Gmail hamburger menu button ().
- Select Desktop under View Gmail in:.
Here’s where: You’ll find this choice at the very bottom of the menu.
Shortcut: See below for a possible direct link. - Ask for Gmail to serve its desktop version.
Chrome: Tap the menu button () and select Desktop site.
Edge: Tap the three dots menu button () and select Vew desktop site from the menu.
Firefox: Tap the three dots menu button in the address bar () and choose Request Desktop Site from the menu.
Safari: Tap the view menu in the address bar and select Request Desktop Website from the menu.
(Safari 11 and earlier: Tap the sharing button () and select Request Desktop Site from the Activities menu.) - Now select standard under Gmail view:.
Where to look: This choice, again, is at the bottom of the basic HTML Gmail version.
- Use Gmail in its desktop browser version.
[Currently not possible] To open Gmail desktop version on Android in Chrome (or another browser):
- Go to https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0 in Chrome or the Android browser of your choice.
Web version please: If Gmail suggests using the Gmail app instead, choose Use the web version. - Open the Gmail hamburger menu.
- Tap Desktop under View Gmail in:.
- Now open the Android Chrome three-dots menu.
- Select Desktop site from the menu.
Other browser: See above for the equivalent menu item in other browsers. - Now follow the standard link under Gmail view: at the bottom.
- Use Gmail’s desktop version in Android Chrome.
How to Open the Full Gmail Desktop Version Site on a Mobile Device: FAQ
Is there a direct link to the full desktop Gmail site version?
To open the (basic HTML) desktop view of Gmail directly in a mobile browser:
- Open the Gmail.com desktop version at https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/h//?f=1.
Can I open the full version using Opera Mini?
Gmail will always serve its simple HTML version for Opera Mini.
(How to view the full Gmail desktop web version on a mobile browser tested on iPhone and Android; first published August 2019, last updated October 2024)